What Is Typhus?

By adam
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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2. What Are the Symptoms of Typhus?

Typhus has an incubation period of one to two weeks, which means people may not be symptomatic for up to 14 days. The first symptoms to appear, regardless of the variety of the infection, are headaches, chills, fever, muscle aches and vomiting. The symptoms are like the flu, but after a few days, a spotted rash typically appears on the chest or near the midsection. This rash may spread to other parts of the body.

If you experience symptoms of typhus, then you should seek medical attention. While the symptoms are flu-like, typhus is not the flu, and you risk severe complications if you wait. Meningitis, pneumonia and septic shock are all possible if you refuse or postpone treatment. Do not risk your health. If you suspect you have contracted typhus, then contact a doctor to ask about the next steps.


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