What Is Typhus?

By adam
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Can Typhus Be Cured?

With early treatment, typhus is treatable. With the stipulation that a cure is not yet possible, the infection responds to antibiotics. Relapses are not common but do happen. As with most infections and diseases, early intervention increases the chances of full remission. Typhus is a common condition, especially in underdeveloped regions of the world. With treatment, the condition has a low mortality rate and a high recovery rate. However, the rapidness of your recovery depends on medical intervention and receiving antibiotic treatment. Also, you must adhere to prescription direction, taking the dosage and quantity prescribed.

Typhus is a treatable infection that results from the bites of infected insects and arachnids like fleas and mites, or from contact with their feces. While mortality rates are often low with this disease, it is essential to receive quick treatment and intervention to avoid severe risks. Those who live in an impoverished community or cannot maintain a hygienic environment are at a higher risk of contracting the bacteria and infection. If you are concerned and showing symptoms of the infection, contact your doctor immediately to schedule an exam and necessary bloodwork or tests.


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