What Is Shigellosis?

By kevin
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10. How Can You Prevent Shigellosis?

The prevention of shigellosis comes down to good hygiene and sanitation practices. Unfortunately, some environments are easier to maintain than others, which is why businesses, like daycare centers, need to pay special attention to hand washing and diaper disposal. Also, facilities at higher risks for transmission should disinfect surfaces several times throughout the day and institute mandatory hand washing rules before making or eating food.

Shigellosis is a generally short-term diarrheal disease caused by Shigella bacteria, which can remain present and contagious in a patient’s stool for several weeks after symptoms subside. While the condition rarely leads to severe complications, watch out for bloody stools, high fever and dehydration. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your physician and schedule an appointment for further testing and diagnosis.


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