What Is Scalp Psoriasis?
8. Other Treatment Options
For some patients with mild scalp psoriasis on a few areas, injection of steroids directly into these areas may also be beneficial. Symptoms that don’t improve from topical treatment may benefit from phototherapy with a laser or non-laser light source.
An ultraviolet light comb can also be used for the whole scalp. Individuals with a shaved head or thin hair may be recommended to go out in natural sunlight to help heal the scalp. Some oral medications for scalp psoriasis include cyclosporine, corticosteroids, methotrexate, adalimumab, infliximab, and etanercept. Although there is no cure for scalp psoriasis, patients can often control the flare ups of their symptoms and prevent it from reoccurring. There are also psoriasis support groups that share resources and offer valuable tips.