What Is Scalp Psoriasis?

By jolene
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6. Signs and Symptoms

In scalp psoriasis, patients who have mild cases often present with slight and fine scales on the scalp. However, when the symptoms become severe or moderate, the scalp can appear to be red and have bumpy or scaly patches, There may also be silvery white scales or dandruff-like flaking. Patients with scalp psoriasis may complain of having a dry scalp that itches resulting in excoriations and hair loss.

These excoriations can also result in infections , burning, or soreness. It is important to note that scalp psoriasis does not generally result in hair loss but the itching or scratching of the scalp, picking at the scabs and scales, and treatments can result in hair loss. In most cases, the hair usually grows back once the psoriasis resolves.

Scalp Psoriasis

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