What Is Munchausen?

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. How Is the Condition Diagnosed?

A Munchausen syndrome diagnosis only occurs after thorough questioning and exhaustive diagnostic testing. Unfortunately, patients make diagnosis challenging because they lie about medical histories and conjure up symptoms. As a physician, there is no option but to test and rule out other health problems. However, if medical doctors suspect a patient is lying, they can request a psychiatric consultation.

Mental health professionals are better equipped to handle the fictitious stories of a Munchausen patient, but they still must rule out other possibilities. Exclusion of physical disorders is the only way to narrow the focus down to psychological conditions. After exhaustive testing and questioning, the psychiatrist compares the results to the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to verify a Munchausen diagnosis and move forward with an appropriate treatment plan.


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