What Is Hypercalcemia?

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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9. Treatment and Therapy: Surgery

Because hypercalcemia is usually due to an overactive parathyroid gland, treatment may include surgical removal of the offending gland or glands. Many times, the overactivity is caused by a benign parathyroid tumor. Nearly all affected glands or tumors can be removed in a minimally invasive outpatient operation.

It is not necessary to remove healthy parathyroid glands when only one or more are malfunctioning. You can live a normal life with less than four glands. A small incision will allow a surgeon to examine all the glands during the operation so that the healthy ones can be left in place. Over 98% of patients undergoing an outpatient operation are left with two or more glands. This cures the parathyroidism and the resulting hypercalcemia.


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