What Is Hypercalcemia?

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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6. Signs and Symptoms: Bones

When hypercalcemia is caused by excess calcium being leached from the bones, skeletal symptoms usually develop. Some people may have bone thinning called osteoporosis. Loss of bone calcium may also result in osteomalacia, a softening of the bones. As a result of both these conditions, easy fracturing of the fragile bones may occur from little or no trauma.

Mild to severe aches, pains, and arthritis may be present. Curvature of the spine and height loss could result from the lack of calcium. Bone cysts and pseudo gout may also develop. Because an excess of the parathyroid hormone also contributes to skeletal disorders, symptoms may be worse if the hypercalcemia is caused by overactive parathyroid glands.


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