What Is Empty Sella Syndrome?

By katherine
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. What Are the Risk Factors?

Women are four times more likely to develop empty sella syndrome than men. Most diagnosed women also present with underlying issues like obesity and high blood pressure, and the diagnosis or presentation of symptoms typically occurs in middle age. However, as the condition is rarely diagnosed and most patients do not present with symptoms, it is hard to say that gender, age, blood pressure and obesity are risk factors, especially for primary empty sella syndrome.

The consensus is that you may minimize the risks of empty sella syndrome, like any condition, through healthy lifestyle choices. Therefore, while obesity and high blood pressure may not contribute to the development of the illness, consuming a healthy diet is still enormously beneficial. While it is also not clear that habits like smoking affect the condition, tobacco use causes multiple health problems. Following fundamental health guidelines are always good ways to help ensure your physical fitness.

Empty Sella Syndrome

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