What Is Empty Sella Syndrome?

By katherine
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
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7. What Percentage of the Population Has This Disorder?

Researchers estimate that up to 25% of the population may have empty sella syndrome. However, it is challenging to narrow this percentage down to a precise number. Not everyone with the condition gets tested or diagnosed and only 1% of people with it may experience symptoms, making it likely that the vast majority of people who have the syndrome do not even know it and will never find out.

Doctors and researchers base their numbers on available data, meaning experts base their opinions only on those patients that present with symptoms and receive a diagnosis. Therefore, while the rare illness classification stands for empty sella syndrome, it is impossible to know the exact number of affected individuals. While that news may seem troubling, unlike many other conditions, empty sella syndrome rarely inhibits or impacts the life of affected patients.

Empty Sella Syndrome

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