What Is Ebola?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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2. How Is It Spread?

Once an individual contracts Ebola, the virus spreads throughout the person’s blood and bodily fluid. Any direct contact with blood, vomit, feces, urine, breastmilk, semen, sweat, saliva or tears can transmit the virus from one person to another. Objects can also be contaminated with any bodily fluid and pass the virus to another individual. Proper hygiene and safe distancing practices are critical to reducing the spread of the virus. Efforts to isolate infected individuals and reduce the contamination of this disease can successfully reduce the infection rate and prevent a future outbreak.

One way the virus spread in past outbreaks is through touching deceased bodies. Bodily contact with the deceased is a crucial step in some burial ceremonies but can be a primary vehicle for the Ebola virus to spread throughout a population. Understanding isolation strategies can assist communities in preventing the spread and reducing the effects of an Ebola outbreak. Many prevention strategies in areas affected by Ebola include education surrounding hygiene and avoidance of touching deceased bodies and those known to be infected with the virus.


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