What Is Ebola?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Are There Other Names for the Ebola Virus?

There are many different strains of Ebola viruses. Most strains are common in primates and other wild animals. The wild animal strains of the genus ebolavirus include Ebola, Sudan, Tai Forest, Bundibugyo, Reston and Bombali viruses. Only the first four have caused diseases in humans.

The exact point of transmission from animals to humans remains unknown; however, it has been shown the blood, body fluids and tissues of animals will cause spreading. Researchers are continuing to look for signs of carrier animals and searching for safe, effective vaccines and other treatment options for this fatal and dangerous virus. Care should be taken when traveling to an area where there is a known outbreak of this virus. Now that you understand common signs, symptoms, prevention strategies and the history of Ebola, be sure to contact a medical professional immediately if you experience any of these symptoms after or during travel to an area where Ebola is present.


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