What Is Angioedema?

By kyle
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
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8. What Can I Do To Proactively Prevent Angioedema?

Avoid likely triggers such as substances and environmental toxins. Regularly shower in a well-ventilated lavatory, with daily changes of clothes to ensure that pet and animal dander are not routinely re-entering your skin, bloodstream and airways. If it is not automatically easy to avoid environmental triggers or foreign substances, keep an epi-pen on hand (norepinephrine).

Wearing loose-fitting, smooth clothing made of natural fibers can also reduce inflammation and risk of outbreak. Having topical antihistamines on hand, such as tripelennamine or diphenhydramine, can help soothe rashes and discomfort. Avoid direct sunlight if you have had a recent episode, as the intensity of UV rays may aggravate the swelling.


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