What Is Angioedema?
7. When Was Angioedema First Discovered?
Hereditary angioedema was first scientifically cataloged by William Osler in 1888. Later, in 1963, further research was able to successfully isolate the specific genetic deficiency that causes angioedema to be inherited and passed down through the generations. This allowed for chemists, internal medicine residents, researchers, and epidemiologists to formulate coherent theories for how to treat angioedemia.
Therapeutic drugs were then developed by research and development companies, labs and universities as a way to specifically target and remedy this hereditary flaw. Closer to the 21st century, over-the-counter medications were developed to treat the symptoms of nonhereditary angioedema. Now it is possible to self-treat minor symptoms, call a pharmacist to remedy moderate symptoms, and get adequate same-day medical care from doctors and specialists.