What Is Angioedema?

By kyle
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. What Is the Latest Research About Angioedema?

Recent research suggests that what appears as simple swelling of the subcutaneous tissue may actually be a more serious problem called mastocytosis. Mastocytosis occurs when mast cells build up underneath the skin, and cause pain or swelling similar to angioedema. Scientists and physicians are currently researching instances of both conditions in order to determine the differences early on, and develop appropriate solutions for each.

Research is also being conducted on the effectiveness of certain immunomodulators. Unlike immunosuppressants that suppress immune system responses rapidly, immunomodulators may be able to control the intensity of immune response to antibodies incrementally, allowing for more targeted and less risky treatment options. Yet other studies are being done on the relationship between patients with asthma and patients with recurring angioedema since the two conditions present similar symptoms.


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