What Is a Bacterial Infection?

By james
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5. Bacterial Vs. Viral infections

Most illnesses are caused by either a bacterial or viral infection, which both appear as microscopic microbes. Not only can these infections often be transmitted in the same way, but they also often have similar symptoms. Fever, coughing, fatigue, and diarrhea are amongst the common indicators of both infections. They are often differentiated during diagnosis through physical exams and blood or urine tests, and biopsies.

These infections can however also differ. Viruses are typically much smaller than bacteria. While bacteria have a rigid wall and rubbery membrane, viruses only have a protective protein layer. Bacteria can survive in almost any environment, while viruses require a host. Viruses require a living host to which they can attach and replicate, or mutate. And while most bacteria are harmless, most viruses are harmful.

Bacterial Infection

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