What Causes Shingles?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Prognosis and Patient Education

The rash in shingles usually resolves within 10 to 15 days. In young and healthy patients, the prognosis is excellent while there is a higher risk of complications in the elderly. Although fatalities are rare, shingles can become life-threatening in those who are immunocompromised as it can cause hepatitis, pneumonitis, and encephalitis.

When shingles affects the eye, it can lead to permanent or temporary vision loss. Patients should be educated regarding the natural progression of shingles and its potential complications. In the acute phase, patients are infective and should avoid contact with other individuals, especially those at risk. Treatment should be started within 72 hours of onset to prevent chronic shingles and accelerate the healing process.


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