10 Spinal Stenosis Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #9: Difficulty with Normal Activities

Patients with spinal stenosis often find it difficult to perform their daily routines or even basic movements such as bending down to pick up an object they dropped or standing up after sitting. Since the nerves in the spinal cord are compressed, it can be difficult to keep the back straight or in a position that has the least amount of pain. As previously established, this can lead to changes in posture. There is also difficulty standing for a prolonged duration as the weight of the body is supported by the spine.

By standing up, the body weight adds extra pressure on the compressed nerves and can lead to more pain. When one is in pain, the muscles in the surrounding area also tighten up trying to compensate and reduce the pain. While this may work temporarily, prolonged contraction of the muscles lead to stiffness and cramps which can contribute to pain.

Spinal Stenosis

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