10 Signs of Dehydration In Toddlers

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Sign Of Dehydration In Toddlers #8: Sunken Eyes

Our eyes are naturally sunken back into our skulls to a degree. This helps to give them some protection, while still enabling them to see clearly enough. If a person’s eyes appear to be more sunken than usual, though, then it is a sign that something is wrong. In many cases, but not always, the problem will be dehydration.

Sunken eyes are not always a sign of something serious, but they can be so it is worth getting it checked out. A pediatrician or another doctor should be able to find the cause fairly quickly. In the meantime, you should make sure that your toddler has access to all the fluids they need.

Dehydration In Toddlers

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