10 Signs of Dehydration In Toddlers

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Sign Of Dehydration In Toddlers #10: Breathing

Breathing is another action that usually occurs at a steady pace, only to increase when we are exercising or when we are excited. This is in order to draw in more air, enabling us to take in more oxygen to supply our body with. If your baby is breathing faster than usual then you should treat it as an emergency.

Fast breathing can be a sign that your baby is dehydrated, while it can also be a sign of something more serious. Get to a medical professional as soon as you can, and maybe even call an ambulance if you think it is necessary. As before, if it does turn out to be something minor, you will still have done the right thing in getting help.

Dehydration In Toddlers

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