10 Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency

By dr. okoye
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18466657
Medical Expert Medical Expert

How Much Potassium Do You Need?

Optimal potassium intake can assist with improving muscle function and supporting other particular elements in the human body that relies on potassium. Unfortunately, most people are not fully aware of how much potassium they need to consume on a daily basis. Too little potassium can cause symptoms associated with hypokalaemia, but, at the same time, taking in too much potassium can lead to hyperkalemia. For this reason, education about optimal daily intake of potassium should be considered essential.

Daily potassium requirements may vary from one person to another, since the body’s need for potassium depends on certain factors, such as a person’s activity level, their overall well-being, and more. The general recommendation is to ensure a minimum of 3,500 milligrams of potassium is consumed through food sources every day. In some countries, the minimum daily recommendation of potassium intake is 4,700 milligrams.

Potassium Deficiency

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