10 Osteoarthritis Symptoms

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #7: Deformities

Another common issue that arises in people who have had osteoarthritis for a while are deformities in the joints and bones. The joints are usually covered in a protective layer of cartilage that prevents damage from occurring. Unfortunately, when the cartilage wears out, it can become difficult and painful for a person to move their joints.

As the cartilage degrades and the bones continue to rub against each other, spurs may emerge from the cartilage, creating strange and uncomfortable shapes. Joints will look less like they used to as these spurs grow in size, looking larger or out-of-place. Another reason for deformity is if the cartilage wears on one side of the joint more than another side of the joint causing an imbalance. Joints may also appear much larger due to inflammation and accumulation of fluid.

Bone spurs can also contribute to the pain and discomfort experienced by people suffering from the condition, especially in the fingers and hands. People suffering from serious osteoarthritis might have such serious deformities that their fingers bend at strange angles.


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