10 Mononucleosis Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #2: Sore Throat

Mononucleosis causes sore throat (pharyngitis) or even swollen tonsils (tonsillitis). This symptom constitutes a cardinal manifestation of EBV infection.

Your tonsils will be red and swollen and you’ll have difficulty in swallowing. After a while, white patches can appear on your tonsils (exudative tonsillitis) and resemble bacterial pharyngitis (streptococcal). However, nonexudative pharyngitis with or without tonsillar enlargement can also be common in these patients, and it may resemble viral pharyngitis. You may also develop a loss of appetite, or anorexia, due to the pain associated with the swollen tonsils and sore throat.


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