10 Lung Infection Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #8: Increased Heart Rate

Lung infections can make the heart beat faster for a number of reasons. First, the illness can cause anxiety and stress in the patient. This can lead to high adrenaline levels which causes the heart to beat faster.

Because lung infections can interfere with oxygen uptake into the bloodstream, the body may react by causing the heart to beat faster in order to supply more oxygenated blood. In some cases, lung infections such as pneumonia can lead to high pressure in the pulmonary blood vessels. This can lead to excessive dilation of the right side of the heart and interfere with the rhythm of the heart. If, in addition to other lung infection symptoms, you experience a faster or irregular heartbeat, visit a doctor or a medical facility for treatment.

Lung Infection

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