Ileus Symptoms, Causes & More
- 1. ’Intestinal obstruction.’ Mayo Clinic.
- 2. ’Intestinal obstruction and ileus.’ Medline Plus. www.
- 3. Vilz T; Stoffels B; Strassburg C’Schild H; Kalff J. ‘Ileus in Adults.’ National Institutes of Health.
Ileus Diagnosis
After a discussion of the person's medical history and a review of symptoms, including severity and duration, a physician may press on the abdomen to find the location of the ileus. Listening to the stomach with a stethoscope may reveal whether food is moving through.
An abdominal X-ray is typically one of the first tests performed, alongside some bloodwork. A CT scan or ultrasound may be completed to show more detail. Tests providing the greatest detail are a barium or air enema.1’Intestinal obstruction.’ Mayo Clinic. 2’Intestinal obstruction and ileus.’ Medline Plus. www.