Ileus Symptoms, Causes & More

By leslie
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. ’Intestinal obstruction.’ Mayo Clinic.
  • 2. ’Intestinal obstruction and ileus.’ Medline Plus. www.
  • 3. Vilz T; Stoffels B; Strassburg C’Schild H; Kalff J. ‘Ileus in Adults.’ National Institutes of Health.
Medical Expert Medical Expert

When To Seek Medical Help

If the ileus doesn't clear up on its own with conservative measures such as a partial or full liquid diet, medical help may be necessary to check for certain underlying conditions. An inability to pass stool or gas and a swollen abdomen are two common symptoms of advancing ileus.

Continuous vomiting and unexplained abdominal pain are two other symptoms that can point to a potentially serious blockage that may lead to complications. These should be reported to a person's doctor and investigated immediately.2’Intestinal obstruction and ileus.’ Medline Plus. www.


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