Ileus Symptoms, Causes & More

By leslie
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. ’Intestinal obstruction.’ Mayo Clinic.
  • 2. ’Intestinal obstruction and ileus.’ Medline Plus. www.
  • 3. Vilz T; Stoffels B; Strassburg C’Schild H; Kalff J. ‘Ileus in Adults.’ National Institutes of Health.
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Ileus is defined as obstruction of the small or large intestine. The obstruction may be caused by functional conditions, such as diabetes or Crohn's disease, or mechanical compression that closes off the bowel. It can occur in infants, children and adults.

How ileus is addressed depends on the cause. In some cases, it may be temporary and addressed with conservative measures at home. A person may be observed in the hospital for one or two days. Some cases may require surgery and a colostomy.


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