10 Hyperlipidemia Symptoms

By iliriana
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Symptom #6: Symptoms of Peripheral Artery Disease

Symptoms of peripheral artery disease include leg discomfort, leg pain, leg cramping while walking which tends to get relieved at rest, pain in the ball of the foot, and pain in the toes as the condition progresses. In severe cases of peripheral artery disease, when the arteries are almost totally blocked due to fat depositions because of high cholesterol, otherwise commonly known as atherosclerotic plaques, painful foot ulcers, toe discoloration, infections, and even gangrene of the toe or foot are possible.

If you notice any of the symptoms above, especially in the early stages of peripheral artery disease, it is necessary to check your fat levels in the blood. If hyperlipidemia is diagnosed, you should change your lifestyle immediately and get the necessary treatment before it becomes too late and you experience severe health problems.


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