10 Foods That Cause Heartburn

By jolene
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Heartburn Causing Food #4: Fatty Meat

Meat is one of the best sources for proteins and vitamins. However, depending on the cut of meat, some cuts contain more fat. Overconsumption of unhealthy fats increases cholesterol levels, which contribute to cardiovascular disease. Lean cuts of meat are the recommended cuts as they contain less fat. Lean cuts of meat include sirloin, round, loin, or chuck. Some examples of fatty meat include beef ribs, beef brisket, and T-bone steak.

The consumption of fat leads to the release of a hormone known as cholecystokinin, resulting in relaxation of the gastroesophageal sphincter, causing reflux and heartburn. As fat is being digested and absorbed, it can delay gastric emptying, which also contributes to heartburn. A study found that saturated animal fat is one of the commonest triggers of heartburn.


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