Dehydration Headache Symptoms, Remedies and More

By paula
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Dehydration Headache' Healthline, 27 April 2021,
  • 2. 'Dehydration - NHS' NHS, 27 April 2021,
  • 3. Water-Deprivation Headache: A New Headache With Two Variants', Headache, 06 Jan 2004,
  • 4. 'Water: How much should you drink every day?' Mayoclinic, 28 April 2021,
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9. How Much Water to Drink Each Day

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recommends that men drink 3.7 liters of water a day, while women should aim for 2.7 liters.4‘Water: How much should you drink every day?’ Mayoclinic, 28 April 2021, These figures are for an average-sized person with an average activity level and include liquid intake from food and non-water beverages.

Most people get about 20 percent of their day-to-day water intake from food. Remember that some drinks, such as alcohol and coffee, can have a diuretic effect, which may mean more water is required.

Dehydration Headache

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