Dehydration Headache Symptoms, Remedies and More
- 1. 'Dehydration Headache' Healthline, 27 April 2021,
- 2. 'Dehydration - NHS' NHS, 27 April 2021,
- 3. Water-Deprivation Headache: A New Headache With Two Variants', Headache, 06 Jan 2004,
- 4. 'Water: How much should you drink every day?' Mayoclinic, 28 April 2021,
7. Warning Signs of Dehydration Headaches
In most cases, dehydration comes on slowly, and before a headache appears, people experience other symptoms, such as a dry mouth and feelings of thirst. It's possible to prevent dehydration headaches by learning to recognize these symptoms.
People who have a relatively weak sense of thirst may struggle to notice these warning signs but may notice that if they go without drinking water for a while, they struggle to concentrate or get "brain fog." That's another indicator that it's time to rehydrate.