Croup Cough Diagnosis, Causes and More

By lio
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Croup in Children.' Cedars,
  • 2. 'Home Treatments For Croup That Will Help Your Child's Barking Cough.' University of Utah Health,'shows=0/bo3b8lay.
  • 3. 'Colds, Coughs, and Whooping Cough.' Integricare,
  • 4. 'Croup.' Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 11 Apr. 2019,
  • 5. NHS Choices, NHS,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Croup cough is a common childhood illness in which a viral infection causes the larynx, windpipe (trachea), and bronchial tubes to swell. Children between 3 months and 5 years old are most vulnerable to croup, though symptoms can sometimes affect older children.1‘Croup in Children.’ Cedars,—pediatrics/c/croup-in-children.html.

Parents can understandably be worried by the hoarse cough and raspy breathing, but it's important to remain calm. When a child with croup feels panicked, symptoms can actually worsen. Most cases of croup can be safely treated at home, and understanding the illness can help parents manage croupy kids calmly and confidently.2‘Home Treatments For Croup That Will Help Your Child’s Barking Cough.’ University of Utah Health,’shows=0/bo3b8lay.


1. Symptoms of Croup

The most distinctive symptom of croup is a seal-like, barking cough. There may be a high-pitched creaking or whistling sound when the child breathes in, called stridor. A child with croup often loses their voice. Other symptoms mirror a cold, with runny rose, fever and sore throat.

The symptoms can vary depending on the time of day and whether the infection is currently in the nose or lungs. Often symptoms are worse at night and may temporarily improve in the mornings. Symptoms tend to last for three to seven days.1‘Croup in Children.’ Cedars,—pediatrics/c/croup-in-children.html.


2. Is It Whooping Cough?

Whooping cough is a common childhood infection, and some people use the terms "croup" and "whooping cough" interchangeably. However, the two illnesses are different, and whooping cough is far more serious.

Both cause frequent coughing, but whooping cough also tends to include a distinctive whoop sound as the child gasps for air. A doctor can help distinguish whooping cough from severe croup. While there is no vaccine for croup, the DTAP vaccine can protect children from the pertussis bacteria that causes whooping cough.3‘Colds, Coughs, and Whooping Cough.’ Integricare,


3. How Is Croup Diagnosed?

A doctor often diagnoses croup by listening to a child's breathing and examining the throat. They may ask the parent when the symptoms started, whether the child has had croup in the past and whether or not the child has recently been exposed to other sick children.

A doctor often checks the child's medical record to ensure they're vaccinated against other possible diseases, such as whooping cough. If the doctor is concerned about more serious illnesses, they may recommend an X-ray or other tests.4‘Croup.’ Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 11 Apr. 2019,


4. Causes of Croup

Most cases of croup are caused by viruses, such as parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus or the flu. When a child has direct contact with an infected person or their bodily fluids, the virus that causes croup enters through the nose and throat. It may then move into the lungs.

Sometimes a bacterial infection, allergies or reflux from the stomach may cause croup. A child can get croup more than once, and infections are more common in winter.1‘Croup in Children.’ Cedars,—pediatrics/c/croup-in-children.html.


5. Preventing Croup

Proper handwashing technique is essential, even in very young children. To avoid the spread of croup and other illnesses, a baby's hands need frequent washing, and toddlers and older children must learn to wash their hands. Parents must also discourage children from sharing cups and dishes.

Parents should keep their children at home and away from other children if they are feeling ill.1‘Croup in Children.’ Cedars,—pediatrics/c/croup-in-children.html. The viruses that cause croup are highly contagious during the first few days of symptoms.2‘Home Treatments For Croup That Will Help Your Child’s Barking Cough.’ University of Utah Health,’shows=0/bo3b8lay.


6. Treating Croup

Luckily, most cases of croup are mild and can be treated at home. Crying makes symptoms worse, so the child must remain as calm and comfortable as possible. A child with croup may read, play quietly or rest in a seated position.5NHS Choices, NHS,

The child needs to drink lots of fluids. Warm liquids, such as soup, can help soothe the vocal cords. Honey can help soothe the throats of children who are at least one year old. A cool-mist humidifier can also help.2‘Home Treatments For Croup That Will Help Your Child’s Barking Cough.’ University of Utah Health,’shows=0/bo3b8lay.


7. Medicines to Help With Croup

Doctors don't recommend using cough or cold medicines for croup. Children over the age of six can have cough drops, but over-the-counter cough medicines are unlikely to help with croup and can even be dangerous for children under the age of four.2‘Home Treatments For Croup That Will Help Your Child’s Barking Cough.’ University of Utah Health,’shows=0/bo3b8lay.

Children's ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and fever if approved by a doctor. A physician may also prescribe an inhaled medicine or steroids in severe cases of croup.1‘Croup in Children.’ Cedars,—pediatrics/c/croup-in-children.html.


8. When Is It Wise to Call a Doctor?

Parents who suspect their child has croup should call their regular pediatrician, even if the symptoms are mild. A doctor can make sure the illness is croup and not something more serious and give parents specific advice or medicine for their child.

If symptoms don't improve or become worse, it's a good idea to call a doctor for advice. If parents are worried or feel like something's wrong, a doctor can help them decide when a child needs medical attention.5NHS Choices, NHS,


9. When Is It Necessary to Call an Ambulance?

If a child with croup suddenly runs a very high fever, or the symptoms drastically worsen, parents should seek immediate medical attention.

The biggest worry with croup is that the child stops breathing. This is rare, but it does happen. If a child is visibly struggling to breathe with their stomach sucking in on each breath, their breathing changes or stops or they develop a blue tinge on their lips or skin, they need to go to the hospital for emergency treatment.5NHS Choices, NHS,


10. Recovery From Croup

Most children with croup make a full recovery at home. A parent may want to sleep near their child and stay with them during the day to monitor the illness.4‘Croup.’ Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 11 Apr. 2019, Typically croup symptoms start a few days after exposure, last for up to a week and vary in severity, worsening at night.

Children with croup need to stay home from school and other activities while they're having symptoms, but once they feel better, they can usually resume their usual routines.2‘Home Treatments For Croup That Will Help Your Child’s Barking Cough.’ University of Utah Health,’shows=0/bo3b8lay.


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