10 Causes of Spleen Pain

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Cause #2: Splenic Abscess

Almost all splenic abscesses result from bacteremia (the presence of bacteria in the blood). However, some abscesses spread to the spleen from other nearby sites such as the liver. Infections like endocarditis (inflammation of the innermost layer of the heart), urinary tract infections, and gastrointestinal infections can cause bacteremia and subsequently lead to abscesses in different places, including the spleen.

Splenic pain is one of the symptoms of splenic abscess. However, note that these abscesses are extremely rare. Splenic pain is usually localized to the left shoulder, and can be associated with fever and other systemic symptoms. Enlargement of the spleen or splenomegaly and abdominal tenderness can also be present.

Spleen Pain

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