10 Causes of Spinal Stenosis

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cause #8: Herniated Disks

The normal positioning of the intervertebral discs allow for adequate space for the spinal cord and spinal nerves to pass. The discs and vertebrae are stacked in such a way to facilitate movement and to achieve efficient posture and gait in order to prevent discomfort.

In some cases, such as herniated discs, this ordered arrangement can be lost. In this situation, the discs protrude out of position, which can cause compression of the nerves within their reach. This interferes with nerve functions. In most cases, the individual will likely benefit from physical therapy to expedite healing, eradicate symptoms, and prevent future flare ups. In rare cases, herniated discs require surgery.

Spinal Stenosis

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