10 Causes Of Neck Pain

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Cause #9: Carrying Heavy Luggage

Carrying heavy luggage in one hand or over a shoulder may end up straining the shoulders and the neck. If it is a habit , such as when women carry heavy handbags, it can lead to serious strain and may cause neck pain. Carrying heavy items like a handbag causes the opposite side of the body to compensate for the strain.

As a result, the body’s natural posture is thrown out of balance, leading to poor posture, neck pain, shoulder pain, and back pain. This is more likely to happen when the bag is habitually carried on one side of the body. To prevent this type of neck pain, avoid carrying heavy luggage in one hand or over the shoulder. Also, whenever carrying hand luggage, make sure to keep alternating the side on which it is carried.

Neck Pain

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