Causes & Treatments for Sores In The Nose

By adrian
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Nasal Trauma Symptoms.',
  • 2. hicks, Rhashad. 'Medical News Today: What to know about nasal vestibulitis.'Central Alabama Wellness,'medical-news-today-what-to-know-about-nasal-vestibulitis
  • 3. 'Mupirocin (Nasal Route) Proper Use.' Mayo Clinic,
  • 4. 'Coping with Oral and Nasal Ulcers in Lupus.' LUPUS UK, 3 May 2017, [](
  • 5. 'Cold Sore.' Mayo Clinic,
Medical Expert Medical Expert


People infected with HIV are more susceptible to sinusitis, inflammation of the tissue in the sinuses, and rhinitis, swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose, because of the chronic inflammation from the virus. They could also experience scabbing within the nose. Nasal lesions associated with HIV may be vulnerable to pain and bleeding.

Other symptoms related to HIV include headaches, toothaches and blocked sinuses. Saline nasal sprays, antihistamines and homemade remedies that include saltwater solutions can help flush away irritants in the nose.

Sores In Nose

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