All About Mittelschmerz

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes often involve making adjustments to the diet, exercise routine, and habits. Women who experience Mittelschmerz may benefit from the consumption of more dark leafy greens as they contain more calcium and magnesium that can help reduce bloating that occurs during ovulation. It is best to avoid processed food as it contains a high amount of salt that can cause more bloating.

Ensure adequate hydration as it helps promote blood flow, which may reduce cramping and bloating. Having a regular exercise routine is always recommended as it stretches the muscles and helps release powerful endorphins that can help with pain. Adult women should have 7 hours of sleep a day. Taking a warm shower or bath also helps to relax both the mind and body. It is best to avoid alcohol as it dehydrates the body and can intensify the symptoms of mittelschmerz.


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