10 Sever's Disease Symptoms

By april
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Sever's Disease FAQ: What Is It? What Are Symptoms And Treatment?' Washington University Orthopedics, www.ortho.wustl.edu/content/Patient-Care/3189/Services/Pediatric-and-Adolescent-Orthopedic-Surgery/Overview/Knee-Education-Overview/Severs-Disease.aspx
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Difficulty With Strenuous Activities

When dealing with tender heels during Sever's disease, it's imperative to modify activity levels to decrease pain. Cutting back on the frequency of activity, as well as the intensity, can significantly improve symptoms.

When a child begins playing on a sports team, or multiple sports teams, practice can take quite a toll on developing joints, muscles and tendons. This injury isn't likely to heal if a child tries to play through the pain.

Sever's Disease

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