10 Sever's Disease Symptoms

By april
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Sever's Disease FAQ: What Is It? What Are Symptoms And Treatment?' Washington University Orthopedics, www.ortho.wustl.edu/content/Patient-Care/3189/Services/Pediatric-and-Adolescent-Orthopedic-Surgery/Overview/Knee-Education-Overview/Severs-Disease.aspx
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The tendency to tiptoe instead of walking heel-to-toe is a familiar symptom to almost every adolescent with Sever's disease. Children try to avoid pain in the heel by changing the way their feet hit the floor.

Children can walk on their toes for other reasons, but if a child also feels pain in the heel, there's a good chance there's an injury to the area where the heel plate and Achilles tendon are joined.

Sever's Disease

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