10 Sever's Disease Symptoms

By april
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Sever's Disease FAQ: What Is It? What Are Symptoms And Treatment?' Washington University Orthopedics, www.ortho.wustl.edu/content/Patient-Care/3189/Services/Pediatric-and-Adolescent-Orthopedic-Surgery/Overview/Knee-Education-Overview/Severs-Disease.aspx
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Athletic Problems

Children tend to be very active on the school playground, in the neighborhood and on sports teams. Sever's disease can impact these normal, everyday activities and make them feel impossible.

Sometimes Sever's disease can cause so much pain with activity, children aren't motivated to walk, much less play a high-impact sport. Activities, such as baseball, soccer and gymnastics, tend to get put on the backburner when the pain is greater than the reward.

Sever's Disease

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