10 Sever's Disease Symptoms

By april
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Sever's Disease FAQ: What Is It? What Are Symptoms And Treatment?' Washington University Orthopedics, www.ortho.wustl.edu/content/Patient-Care/3189/Services/Pediatric-and-Adolescent-Orthopedic-Surgery/Overview/Knee-Education-Overview/Severs-Disease.aspx
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Redness and discoloration in the heel are caused by increased blood flow and are a common symptom of an injury. Increased blood flow in the area is part of the body's healing process, as it's one of the first defense mechanisms, usually occurring alongside inflammation and swelling.

The red area is usually warm to the touch, but that's not always the case. It may subside when the inflammation is resolved, which can be aided with ice and anti-inflammatory medication.

Sever's Disease

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