What Is the Circadian Rhythm?

By jolene
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9. Prognosis

When the circadian rhythm disturbance is due to jet lag, it has a good prognosis. This also applies for individuals who perform shift work and can lead to impaired performance and daytime sleepiness. Older patients usually do not adjust as well to shift work. DSPS that is more commonly seen among adolescents and young adults tend to resolve in adulthood.

In ASPS that is prominent among the elderly, it usually responds well to a combination of pharmacological and behavioral intervention. Those with conditions such as attention deficit hyperactive disorder, special needs, or developmental disabilities usually respond well to behavioral intervention. The mortality rates tend to be related to sleep deprivation that may cause heavy machinery or motor vehicle accidents. Shift workers have also been estimated to have 40% greater cardiovascular disease compared to nonshift workers.

Circadian Rhythm

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