What Is the Circadian Rhythm?

By jolene
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6. Statistics

In the United States, about 7% to 10% of patients complaining of insomnia get diagnosed with DSPS. The prevalence of DSPS among adolescents is estimated to be 7%. True ASPS is quite rare while irregular sleep-wake cycles are thought to be quite common as it is common among patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Although 20% of workers in the United States perform shift work, not all develop shift-work syndrome. In Norway, using strict International Classification of Sleep Disorders criteria, the overall prevalence of DSPS was estimated to be 0.17%. Since there are changes to the circadian rhythm during puberty, it is observed that there may be increased daytime sleepiness and sleep-phase delay. The early start times for school, activities, and homework has been associated with phase shifting and sleep deprivation in children and adolescents leading to impaired performance, poor concentration, and daytime sleepiness. DSPS is commonest among children and adolescents while ASPS is more common among the elderly. Irregular sleep-wake cycles are often seen among patients with neurological impairment such as dementia.

Circadian Rhythm

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