What Is Sarcoidosis?

By amanda
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. What Are the Treatment Options?

The good news is that many cases of sarcoidosis do not need medical intervention, tending to resolve on their own. However, for those who are diagnosed with a persistent form of the disease, consistent treatment is likely required. It is necessary to understand that treatment is not to cure the condition, only to control the symptoms, prevent further complications and possibly improve patient outcomes.

As sarcoidosis affects multiple organs, a patient will typically have a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals overseeing their treatment. There are a few drugs that have proven effective for the treatment of symptoms: corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and antimalarial drugs.

Also, if the disease is affecting the lungs, a doctor may recommend oxygen therapy. In rare and severe cases, a lung transplant might be needed to preserve lung function.


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