What Is Sarcoidosis?

By amanda
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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2. What Causes Sarcoidosis?

Unfortunately, there is no current explanation of the cause of sarcoidosis. Instead, there are theories and hypotheses. However, the most prevailing theory at the moment is that sarcoidosis affects people with a specific genetic makeup. In these people, an immune response is triggered in affected organs by some secondary element, likely bacteria. This response causes cells in the body to recruit inflammatory cells, leading to the inflammation of the affected organs.

Again, this is only a theory, but sarcoidosis does seem to involve an autoimmune response, but when it comes to identifying triggers, research has not come to any conclusions. Although, researchers do know that the condition is not as rare as it was once believed, as it affects millions of people worldwide, with an increased risk in people with other familial sufferers.


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