What Is Q Fever?

By jolene
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5. Diagnosis

The diagnosis of Q fever is highly dependent on the index of suspicion and proven by serologic analysis. Since the organism is highly infectious, isolation has to be done in biosafety level 3 laboratories. A clinician who suspects Q fever should notify the laboratory so proper precautions can be taken. An electrocardiography in Q fever patients may show abnormalities in the T-wave if pericarditis and myocarditis are present.

Other tests that may be beneficial are complete blood cell (CBC) count, liver function tests, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Confirmation of the diagnosis is based on serology (to look for an antibody response instead of the organism). Blood culture is difficult and not routinely performed. Transesophageal echocardiography may be useful as Q fever can cause endocarditis.

Q Fever

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