What Is Q Fever?

By jolene
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2. Etiology

Q fever is a common zoonotic disease caused by Coxiella burnetii. This organism is usually related to inhalation of organisms due to occupational exposure, animal exposure, and tick bites. This organism localizes in the uterus, mammary glands, and feces of small and domestic mammals. Due to the persistence of the organism’s spore like structure, it is highly resistant and can survive for months in feces and dust particles.

It can also infect individuals who have no contact with animals. For example, laboratory outbreaks and outbreak among people living along a road contaminated by farm vehicles that carry manure and straw. This organism can be transmitted via skin contact, inhalation, and rarely transmission by a tick bite. Other rare methods of transmission include blood transfusions, exposure to infected placenta, and sexual transmission. Infection in animals often goes unnoticed.

Q Fever

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