What Is Paruresis?

By amara
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10. Is There a Cure?

It is hard to say definitively that paruresis is curable. There are some patients who have great success with therapy and are able to resolve the underlying trauma that caused the condition to manifest. However, there are others who will require ongoing therapy and medical intervention to experience a reduction in symptoms. Therefore, it is best to describe shy bladder syndrome as a highly treatable and manageable condition. With the necessary intervention and commitment to treatment, patients can live a long, healthy life.

Paruresis is a social phobia disorder that affects a person’s ability to use the restroom in public. It can also make it difficult to urinate even when a person is at home. The best treatment for shy bladder syndrome is cognitive-behavioral therapy, and when necessary, medications can be used to help treat underlying anxiety and bladder problems. Seek a medical assessment if you believe you are suffering from this condition.


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