What Is Neurofibromatosis?

By james
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3. Neurofibromatosis 1 Symptoms

Most people with this variety of the disease will have shown symptoms by the time they are 10 years old. When symptoms do show, they will typically include what are known as cafe au lait spots. These are harmless and cause no other symptom. Freckles may also appear, and tiny bumps can develop on the iris. Neurofibromas may also be found just under the skin or on the skin’s surface.

Neurofibromas will tend to cause no symptoms, but they can grow and they will cause disfigurement in some cases. The patient is also likely to be shorter than average, and they can also have a larger head than usual. Tumors on the optic nerve may also develop, bone deformities may occur, and the patient may also have learning difficulties.


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