What Is MCT Oil?

By albert
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7. Improves Absorption of Nutrients

Some people’s digestive systems have problems in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Malabsorption of fat usually happens because of bile problems. Bile is necessary for the breakdown of fat. If little bile gets into the digestive system after consumption of fat-containing food, the fat cannot be broken down to allow for absorption. Consequently, the fat is excreted together with the vitamins in it.

Malabsorption of fats can lead to deficiencies in fatty acids and vitamin. This can cause diseases associated with the deficiencies. The structure of MCT oils is such that they are easily absorbed into the body without the need for complex digestion like other oils. By including MCT oils in your diet, you help your body to more easily absorb oil-based nutrients, specifically vitamins A, D, E, and K.


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